Friday, July 18, 2008

Top 10 Free Native Apps for the iPhone Part1

So lists have been popping up everywhere for top iPhone Apps.

Well I've noticed that most of them are a blend of free and paid apps. Since I'm the cheap Free App only blogger. I'll post my top 10 apps on my iPhone.

1: Twinkle

The widely popular "jailbroken" iPhone app has been brought to the app store and let me tell you that it is great. At first it seems like the standard twitter flow that you would get from any twitter app, but then you have a tab for nearby tweets which would not be special if it wasn't for the location services usage by the app. You see, it scans your area and automatically posts it to your tweet.
Along with that you have your standard profiles, messages, follows that all twitter apps have. The interface is fun and it's by far the smoothest I have used on the iPhone.

2. Facebook
At first this app was struggling with features. It lacked a wall view and it seemed mostly there for chatting purposes. However, it has been updated and the new version is a lot better. So much better that I have stopped using the web app for Facebook. Wall posts, photos with tags, and much more are included this time.

Its time to check it out again.

3. Aurora Feint
This game has so much potential and execution that I am 100% endorsing it. It mixes elements of puzzle, rpg, and even a little MMO in it. The graphics are excellent and the game play is addictive with the implementation of the accelerometer and multi touch. Some of the larger bugs (though there are very few bugs altogether) are going to be fixed in an update releasing as soon as today or this coming week.
The best free game on the iPhone? Currently a resounding YES.

4. Jirbo Games
Okay it's not 1 app. Its like 6, but these free games will take your mind off of something for a short while and are graphically pleasing. Simple match games or simon says kind of games are their forte.

5. Shazam
Ever got jealous of those Verizon phones that could hear music and identify it for them? Well this app does exactly that. Once activated it will scan the music to a set amount of time which will then search the database for that particular song. It will then provide links to the video, information on the artist the song version and even let you purchase the music.
Next five coming up soon.

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