Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why force yourself to be social?

There are times in a person's life that one starts to drift away from all that is comforting, and then there are times that they start surrounding themselves in comfort.

Five years ago, if you saw me lounging somewhere near the dirty streets of Downtown Atlanta near Georgia State University, you would have said to yourself, "Hey, that guy seems to be enjoying his time with all of his friends."

Typically, I was surrounded by at least 4 friends at all times. I had lunch dates, basketball 5-on-5s, billiard buddies, and never once was I truly alone.

That was before, this is now.

I tend to stay at home on the weekends. Play some tennis with my brother, sometimes with other family relatives and/or my girlfriend. Go on the PC for a good 5-6 hours. That's pretty much it.

This is not the first time that I have been loner-ish. Before high school, I never went out. Didn't know anyone or try to maintain friendships. I was on America Online, you know, the massive chat engine that promoted social networking before web 2.0 was even imagined.

I guess I could say that I regressed, but I think it's a kind of self awareness that has developed over the course of the past few years and the experiences that I have accumulated.

Believe it or not, I am very comfortable right now.


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